Speaking Aloud When Alone - Singing Aloud When Alone - Reading Aloud When Alone (:Spirit & Truth Conscience IN AND WITH ALL GODLY CONTENTMENT AND SELF CONTROL:)
Speaking Aloud When Alone - Singing Aloud When Alone - Reading Aloud Alone - Thinking Aloud When Alone (:-Spirit & Truth Conscience IN AND WITH ALL GODLY CONTENTMENT AND SELF CONTROL-:)
Some people have to say things aloud to "bat sonar their own mental accoustics" to see if what they are thinking is reflective of the words coming out, THAT IS NOT THE SAME AS VOCALISING YOUR ACTUAL POSITIVE THOUGHTS AND EVEN IF YOU ARE ALONE PRAYEFULY, THE USUAL BEING THE LORDS PRAYER, (-reading aloud being very extremely helpful together with reading silently, concerning people's remembrance of what read in context & fullness overall-), but to date (2024) noticing that it is not exactly a fine line drawn, but a point, and not even to single out, cause to make seem as if self-candid, or self persecute "as if some words spoken aloud when alone at any time means totalitarianist assumption of sitting anywhere talking to yourself all day", IN TODAY'S IMPLEMENTATION OF TOOLS AND DEVICES FOR ANY KIND OF RECORD TO KEEP FOR SELF, having voice memo recordability, voice note recodability, how anyone is able to record music on computer & microphone studio interfaces alone, EVEN AND ALSO WHEN NO ONE IS AROUND, to mention even the most now common and general cellphones that when we talk on them and speak, we might be in places where there's nobody else except the person on the other end of the line to talk to, otherwise you're either at a public place of home or elsewhere, in transit etc, the point barely being about making it any "point of having to talk aloud alone", just the truth about THE BLESSED AND BLESING CONTEXT AND CONSCIENCE ANYONE HAS OF THEIR OWN SELF, NOT BEING SUBJECT AND DIRT DRIVEN BY THAT OF OTHERS, e.g. finding out that some people as is written in the world are said to "tend to gravitate towards other people who are toxic and not good for them because they are scared of being alone, or unable to speak our loud alone", an e.g. can be "IF YOU ARE ALONE WOULD YOU EVER OR EVEN SING OUT LOUD AS MUCH AS YOU DO WHEN WITH OTHERS AND NOT FEEL UNCOMFORTSALE IF SOMEONE HEARS YOU SINGING ALONE, OR SAYING ANYTHING OUT LOUD", believe it or not, for real, thag the people who have any problem or find it strange if someone wakes up and ever says anything all alone to their own hearing, are quite void of any idea of that much Love of God Hearing us as much as even in complete silence of speaking, the undividable inter-communicativity with our Heavenly Father's self-same indwelling Holy Spirit IS NEVER BLOT-ABLE OUT OF OUR-AWARENESS, making it more those who find the utmost peace of God indwelling, the unceasing Zeal and directive of being led by the Holy Spirit of all Fruits and Ongoing, is not DEPENDANT ON INPUT BUT OUTPUT, AND BOTH BY OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S RESIDING OF US, that a very intricate matter of everyone's own being, where and how our interests, commitments, accumulative consequences of Godly contentment that are ever fruitful, this being about "speaking out loud", if ever even to thinl of laughing when no one is present, THESE BEING SIGNIFICANT PARTS OF HAVING OUR INDIVIDUAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GO EVEN AS WELL WHEN AROUND OTHER PEOPLE, which is VERY STRENGTHENING TOWARD OUR DEISCERNMENT WHEN OTHERS MAH BECOME NEGATIVE, MAY DO OR WANT TO BE EVIL, as said, in the begining of writting this, anyone who thinks themselves, or has noticed any gravitating towards people who may not have their best interests in 100 percent entirety, at the same time, able to navigate for any reason of earthwide encounterability with such kinds of people that are otherwise, this being where we can love other people as we love ourselves, also having no need of regrets towards consequence(s), always loving the outcomes and only ever making any and all decisions for the utmost goodness overall both for ourself as well as others, how the Lord has shown us Loving one's neighbours is from the Love we Have from God Loving us also How we aught to love ourselves, such fulfillment in the loving and such helping of others towards the same purpose and reasoning of the utmost goodness, not to further any evil or adversity, both for others as well as ourselves from whom we are and do to, for and most importantly with others of the most basic existing as living with interactablity and earth-wide habitation amongst of Spirit and Truth in Jesus Christ
- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM