"What hapepned to 'Static-Electricity'?" - Things to note about the earthwide physical environment and man-kind's ongoing with the fruit(s) of the earth
"What hapepned to 'Static-Electricity'?" - Things to note about the earthwide physical environment and man-kind's ongoing with the fruit(s) of the earth
Did you notice that it has been a while since the days of "rubbing your plastic ruler in your hair and seeing it stand on end" and when you would get up from the cotton nylon covered couch and see sparks flying from your hoodie jacket or sweater coat?
There are a lot of reasons for that, namely the kind that, in the example of your plastic ruler and your hooded jacket/coat, the cotton nylon hybrids of fibers used to make fluffy material have obviously and greatly evolved in the kinds of methods they are using which obvious ionise or de-ionise the charge-ability of your clothes and their contact with other surfaces, likewise your shampoos, soaps and hair conditioners, even the basic water we use today the same of any other time, because of environmental ongoing change and "positive"(-CONSTRUCTIVE-) infrastructural firmamentation as such, also the open-air's staticity, chargability bring affected and balanc-ed/-ing with things like 4G to 5G upgrades of waves for inter-cpmmunicativity and technology, also to note the actuality weather and such being of other great affect in the entire balance of existence by the Heavens and our Heavenly Holy Self-Same Indwelling God and Father's Kingdom outworked on Earth as it is of all Spirit and Truth.
- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM