Noticing more about the Re-Hardening Green Pepper Fruition


So, in the midst of chaos and other #TeQNiQExposingLifeStory issues, having had to move various items around due to jealousy, envy & fraudulent apearance creation doings by certain people who intend to portray negligence concerning matters of my "cleanliness", stewardship of resposibility as well as actual inward Christ like nature overall, having moved the fridge from one place to another because of the sabotaged plug socket and afterwards dealing with over 72 hours without electricity needing to balance motor repair & expense logistics, having taken out the 3 Green Peppers from the fridge which we're the last of the (re-)fridgerated food-stuffs left inside it, I REMEMBERED HOW MUCH I WAS LEARNING ABOUT THR GREEN PEPER plant fruit/vegetable and How it grows as green to green ripeness, some to yellow and others red, though when all green, the transition of the maturity and colour of the fruition vary INDIVIDUALY FOR EVERY SINGLE FRUIT, some even chosing to remain green & soften towards ferm-/firma-/firmamentation of their "life-cycle".

Because the Green Pepper Plant is highly Methyl-ated with Hydr-oxide and various bulk of ongoing 'state-shifting' properties and compounds, i noticed that it is actualy possible to restore the hardness of the plant's fruit from the softened ongoing into it's maturing stage(s) of becoming softer and overall becoming browner, Just as THE FOURTH COLOUR OF PURPLISH/BROWN through the "Red-Yellow-Green" transient "phase" has THE SAME PROPERTIES AS WHEN THE GREEN's that remain green, turn red, turn yellow, and soften towards the Brown/Brine stage and begining to liquidize/vinegrate/dissolute themselves along with the seeds as well, is the same as when they are hardened and Brown-ish-Purple, with many variants to consider.

What i just noted in this video are botany plant study notes based on the actual ability of zinc and copper electro distilation from a lemon and such metalic applications between plants and their fruits that can produce energy to power a small LED lightbulb but in this case thinking of the process that would involve re-hardening the green pepeer in restoration of it's grwoth, noting also the concern for the size of the green pepper, when somr begin to soften before their full general and average expectant size, such hydro-electrolysis and many other things possible to apply to them at this point.

Some people don't realise when they squeeze a green pepper in its state of begining to soften, that there is pourousness even from their time of hardness, that also can have the application of ventilation processing using various compounds such as Carbon " 'Monoxide Ice'/'Dry-Ice' " vapour and the same findings from lemon based diode-anode logistics that deal with the stem point from the branch and the base point of the fruit, these also having much considerable purpose depending on desired outcome for the fruit from such a state of becoming soft before full average sized "expectancy" 

(-noting from the already given example that some green pepper fruit/vegetables can very well grow to quite small sizes, considering plant lifecycle and longivety of the restoration in fruitful fruition of different sizes and variations of the green peper fruition-)

by : - TeQ NiQ - KSDM - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa