Chilli Sauce, Cooking Oil, Cane-Spirit/Whiskey, Basic Deodorant - "Chilli Skin-Scrub-Down" Mixture : #Revelation18SnapBackReminder
Chilli Sauce, Cooking Oil, Cane-Spirit/Whiskey, Basic Deodorant - "Chilli Skin-Scrub-Down" Mixture : A #Revelation18SnapBackReminder
((-A Picture with the basic items-))
(--->to make it more "scrub" you can add the likes of "Raja's Curry Poweder" Mixes, e.g. the Purple one with garlic<---)
Mix these up in an empty chilli sauce bottle or whatever else and use like a lotion even for any seeming skin iritations that could happen over time and enjoy the calm seeping singe of joyful Thanksgiving in Christ for all that our Heavenly Father Has made, as you notice the Chilli and whiskey mixing with the oil do extremely awesome things for your skin and body, which TO NOTE, does indeed get hungry itself for different an-oint-ment(s).
- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM