HOW TO MAKE A "#Revelation18SnapBack "1Timothy4-Collage-Reveal" (A Snap-Back #Partakers Interactive)
You Will need A Whole Hour Bundle for this one, the captions in the video are self explanatory, especialy said, it would be good that anyone did not forget what a "Collage" is from any "Art Class", with that said as well, here presented is :
HOW TO MAKE A "#Revelation18SnapBack "1Timothy4-Collage-Reveal" (A Snap-Back #Partakers Interactive)
[ : Anyone can do such with things in their own household or anywhere they want to do so, honestly, we IN & OF SPIRIT & TRUTH are not void of knowing such people who wish to disgrace God's creation, by promoting demonic doctrine of abstinance, as 1imothy4 has it's entailing, of those who have the same kinds of signs follow as believers <to a degree of their violent forcing, to no aivail, at as much of darkness & evil's collapse upon itself> : ]
So many people have been ashamed of presentation like this, others claiming "BUT WE CAN MAKE THINGS LOOK SO MUCH 'NICER' ", interesting that anyone can say "yes we can", AND IT IS OBVIOUS THAT WE HAVE TOO MUCH MORE THAN ENOOUGH of what "Looks like the face-value of the world but its Christian" stuff, and we all know how far & where such has taken things, this, very much, what Paul wrote speaking of the 'come-liness' of the mentioned "Comely Members", & such word "comely" used to "THE WORLD'S OWN DISGUST OF SELF TOWARDS GOD'S VERY CREATION THAT IT ABUSIVELY CONTORTS PEOPLE'S PERCEPTIONS ABOUT AND OF, why also written THE MORE ESTEEM<really knowing it's service of 1Timothy 4 Reminder>, THAT OUR LORD GAVE US TO KEEP OF SUCH CONSIDERED "COMELINESS" BEACUSE OF IT'S 1TIMOTHY 4 VALUE & STRENGTHENING ANY CONSCIENCE INSTEAD OF FURTHER WEAKENING IT EVEN BY LEAVING THEM WEAK IN THE ANY OF THE LIE THAT EVERYTHING GOD CREATED IS GOOD, SUCH BEING GOOD TEACHING/DOCTRINE (1Timothy4).
So, with that said, enough people would have asked themselves what an "Eatery & Cookery Pt.3" on thr #PartakersPt3 would look like or qpear as, and ive THOUGHT OUT OF THE BOX bigtime for this one.
The setting up time was at least 5 hours initialy, with another 2 for visual test tweaking taking pictures & seeing what the recprding process pr processes would look like, then another 3 hours of test shooting & official,pictures to make sure, then as day broke at 6am, having started at 10pm the previous day, there wss left to shoot a final two or 3 videos of this and at least start the edit, TAKING NOTE OF HOW MUCH GENERAL TIME IT WOULD BE FOR ONE SINGLE BASIC DISPLAY WHENEVER WANTING TO DO IT AGAIN [there already being so many things one can do with a collage in the context of the etire idea].
For the Record, I AM NOT WITH THOSE 2Kings5 excusists concerning the flour & pottage issues that God issued Elisha's ministering and many others, seeing that it's a very serious thing, and many are perverse in such oposite actuality detering people from anything against face value, even this as presented because of trying to push that very much face value that must "look good to people" confusing even just the thoughtful heart's learned mortality of the flesh by consciencial weakening routines/conditionings/social encounters to say the least, OF WHICH SUCH WILL NEVER GO TO THIS KIND OF EXTENT TO REALISE THE ACTUAL SPIRIT & TRUTH REALITY OF LIFE AROUND US AS WE KNOW IT AND INTERACT WITH DAILT & ONGOINGLY, if they actualy ever do?, it being for whatever "with-holds"/"with-helds" of theirs that would not be "FACE VALUE 'ENOUGH' "/'ENTAIL-ANT'/'PREVALANT'<as our Father's Heavenly Spirit of Truth ALWAYS REVEALS>.
Mathew15/1Corinthians8-11(11:30)/Colossians2 : in light of 1Timothy4 - The Only Chapter with the verse that speaks of where the Foundation of Sound Doctrine in its Fullness and Abiding
Some things to note concerning worldly knowledge for the sakes of people whom have questions about "worldly man made doctrine" that does not agree with the word of God and it's hypocricy, is that there are so many things that can,be pointed out in its own "thinking" (things which are falaely called science<1Tim6:20>).
An example is its teaching of what it calls "the periodic table of "elements" concerninf what most call "particle theory" and attempting to "define" what the word of God speaks of concerning "things seen that are made up of things which are not seen", thag expose more than "sub-particle" confusion(s), and anything or everything that has divided mankind into subjected objectified thinkings even of himself to any such "its-self".
The "Naming" of such "kinds of substance", because neither of any of the 'confu-sive' kind come from anything else except "theory" or "calculus", for example, the concept of defining "alcohol"(bitter flavoured) substances which are many kinds, basis of defining "ethan-ism", "meth-anism", and the many multiple other names given for the same exact thing(s) and just calculated in different orders, starting at identifying that "the >base elements< of Alcohol" are (C) Carbon (H) Hydrogen and (O) Oxygen, the problem arising in that the usage of the term "base elements" means for all different kinds of "alcohols" (truly bitter flavoured substances), are ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING ELSE in whatever defined "order of particle-calculus" for each one. The "base elements of "FATS/OILS" are also defined as "(C) Carbon, (H) Hydrogen and (O) Oxygen", again the exact samec"EVERYTHING ELSE" for whichever defined 'oil/fat", the same for "the base elements" of "Proteins" Which is now "COMPOUND THEORY" based on 'multi-structured/interacting substances' similar to ("Fats/Oils"), these being the exact same (C) Carbon, (H) Hydrogen and (O) Oxygen, AGAIN to mention the same "BASE-is" concerning ANOTHER "Multi-structured-Compound" "calculus based identification OF THE SAME THREE (C-H-O) are what are now called "CARB-O-HYDRATES" based on "Carbo-" "School Of Thought", even these such deemed a "compound-category" which actualy overlap the "Pro-teins" category (Pro-t-) being a sub-"School of thought from "prot-on-ology" basing its thinking on "prot-ons", because "Atomic theory" revolves around "Pro-tons[+](positive sub particles), "Elec-trons[-] Negative sub-particles, and the "balancing theory" of "Neutrons" being 'neutral' sub-particles, yet NO ONE HAS EVER SEEN AN "ATOM" WITH THE NAKED EYE, only having these "theoretics derived from usage of "electric/electronic-instruments", all of these ideas only ever existing since the "invention" of "elec-tricity". The same goes for what are called "Acids"[Sour Flavoured] concerning base of (C-H-O) <acid theory "begining at claiming two of these three and stating "anything else concerning the 3rd and the same "everything else" for any singular deriving of identification>, Sugars (sweet flavoured any/every-thing), and the revolving "re-occuring dissagrements of all natures <so called schools of thought>", come from adamant denial of identification from "TASTE<'smell' being a similar pallate>-COLOUR-TEXTURE-*SOUND"
(*Sound being another confusion of analogy in the same calculus based "school of thought", at times even trying to merge "sound wave ideology" with "particle theory", based on the kinds of interaction and similarity between water and < air [waters above] > (confusion with the word "air's use in the biblies words "demons of the "air") <Re: 1Timothy4 - (1) seducing & (2) demonic doctrine>.
With this said, all of the above (concerning the world's knowledge), either putting objectifying MAN as though "on the same 'plane' " as though similar to the fruits of the earth made for his consumption, or looking at and analysing people/persons without acknowledging even that all people are the highest created being on the face of the earth, in doing this, DENYING THE EXISTENCE OF SPIRITUAL REALITY, FOR EXAMPLE "THE FIRMAMENT [Heaven]" between the waters above [gas-euos], and those below [liquid], ALL INTERACTION OF "THE FIRMAMENT" [Genesis1] BEING OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN'S KINGDOM WITHIN US VERY PEOPLE MADE IN GOD'S IMAGE THROUGH CHRIST JESUS ,THROUGH WHOM ALL PEOPLE ARE MADE [even these things THAT ARE GOOD <1Tim4> but them NOT made in our fathers image], WE OURSELVES HAVING THE INDWELLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, and all of these things being made for our use/consumption, creative & constructive ability <even fire is constructive, the same as "evaporation-liquid to gas-drying, as well as proposed "cooling" being a "fire/temperature based" product> ALL THESE THINGS things given to us on earth for stewardship amongst mankind.
[NOTE : GOD HAS GIVEN AN ANGEL WHOM HAS POWER OVER FIRE(Book Of Revelation:Bowls), ALSO AN ANGEL HAVING THE SAME CONCERNING THAT OF THE WATERS, and such needs to be considered<about all things even that which we "cookingly 'manufacture' "> concerning the above mentioned of sound doctrine IN OUR OVERALL BLESSED AND BLESSING SPIRIT AND TRUTH REALITY ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH.]
CONCERNING FLAVOUR & COLOURS, THERE INDEED ARE SO MANY MORE KINDS IN EACH GENERALIZATION OF "sweet, salty, bitter, sour" other things concerning rice for example calling it "starch <compound name>, and animal meats which are amongst the kind such as "poultry", reveals exactly that much, even the taste of "iron", or "graphite", the colour red concerning "Oxide" based on "iron" and its cookery/furnacing/conversion from any material substance even starting with as having the color itself depending the desired use and application amongst texture and all such noted for all things.