Making Microwaved Popcorn "Without Cooking Oil"
Making Microwaved Popcorn "Without Cooking Oil"
The Spirit & Truth Information in the video & specific of the entire video do speak for itself, the - - HAVE ABSOLUTE RELEVANCE & RESOLUTE to the mention concerning GOD WANTING PEOPLE TO KNOW THE VERY DETAILS,OF 1Timothy4's "EVERYTHING GOD MADE IS GOOD", truth about (*Soils, Waters both "above and below"/gaseous & liquid & all animals of water creeping & flying*), such oneness of flesh matters & Concern of People being MADE IN GOD's image just as the angels are amongst brothers & sisters & all with each's consideration of that oneness of flesh & being.
IT IS A LOT OF INFORMATION IN LIFE EVEN FOR EXPERIENTIAL SAKE OF A SINGLE HAIR ON A PERSON'S HEAD, let alone to mention "Mexican Jumping Beans & Corn of "pop-corn" nature, as well as all the blessed & for blessing things that God Has given us dominion over with stewardship amongst the entire Spirit & Truth earth-wide community of people.
This is actualy that important in all context of presentation with more so the ongoing & eternal reality ever present with-all.
(*they/things already have oil in them, to be understood in Spirit & Truth of Man-kind being the highest creation on God's plane of Existence MADE IN HIS IMAGE JUST AS THE ANGELS ARE unlike absolutely everything else*)
From the Introductory "Mexican Jumping Beans & Corn/Pop Corn", understanding the last video as mentioned with the tomatoes and in visual of the FIRMAMENTATION PROCESS BOTH OF "ROOM TEMPERATURE" & "BASIC FRIDGE" DIFFERENCE, the ongoing experiential growth & overcoming of man made & demonic doctrine's shortfall & already defeated oposings to God's given Heavenly Wisdom of application with all knowledge, THERE IS SO MUCH THAT OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN IS DOING WITH US, TO US, FOR US, & NEVER AGAINST US with & in all Spirit & Truth.
From a basic google search about the moth that houses it's seed & egg in the mentioned plant seed & the ongoing Firmamentation process/fermentation process of it outworking THROUGH "MEXICAN JUMPING BEAN STAGE", IS A LOT OF INFORMATION, seeing that even THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE EGGS FROM THE TOMAMTOES AT ROOM TEMPERATURE AS MANIFEST, AND THE TOMATOES THAT "VINEGAR-ATED" IN THE COOL & COLD OF THE FRIDGE IS VERY SPECIFIC, even for anyone to understand what mould truly is, as well as other specifics, for instance, how grape juice begins as sweet, becomes bitter concerning what is called "wine", & over time the flavour in fermentation/firmamentation BECOMES VINEGAR IN THE "3RD STAGE", for more to understand anything of "BRINE", as well as how what is known as "beef jerky" or "Biltong" of OPEN AIR DRIED MEAT TO IT'S COMPLETE COOKED-NESS in the similarity of Baked Bread becoming solid & crumblable, THERE IS THAT MUCH OF HOW "GOOD ALL THINGS GOD HAS MADE TRULY ARE(1Timothy4)".
In the Introduction, the listed given "snippet of exampe about "what a recipt should be" is :
-Product Information : e.g. Popcorn
-Brand Name
-Type Of Corn Used (*Amongst the "Corn Family*)
-Packaging Preservatives Used & chosen method of preparation
-Microwave Cookable instructions as well as stove top & multi-alternate applications with effectual examples of results
-Other Related Products
-Specific Factory Name & Batch Outled grouping between "franchised" & "Parent Company" 'branching', "Production Line date & order count" of specific item (-*even to blessed knowledge of the specific farm(s) used for the baby kernels harvesting(s)*-)
-involvement of customer experience & product care in usage, "refining" methods & implementations of multiple consumer concerns & experiential growth
-customizable product availability & ongoing co-ordination of nothcistomozed & general products
i.e. of e.g. "Rice Krispies" & "Rice Krispies Snacks" (-the oven baked marsh-mellow & cinamon &/or other flavouring/preparation method kinds-) Having gone from "something made from retail availability, & popularised through on-GROWING sharing as well as IMPLEMENTED LIFE's outworking of Earth-Wide Spirit & Truth Community.
-TeQ NiQ - K.S.D.M.