THE TREE OF LIFE (*-12 Fruits Reality about LIVING-THINGS-*)
Re: #Revelation18SnapBack Post "Tree Of Knowledge" & Song #TreeOfKnowledge on
#Revelation18SnapBack Post "Detailed Break Down - about the Tree Of Knowledge" : - >
Song "Tree Of Knowledge" from the Revelation Music Family Production Blog :
- From Genesis, we can See the Spirit & Truth concerning physical creation AS GOD ORDIANED ALL THINGS GOOD SUCH OF SOUND DOCTRINE/TEACHING WITH-ALL HEALTH & WELL-BEING OF ETERNALL LIFE & LIGHT FOR US MADE IN OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S IMAGE, making the significance of the Book of Revelation's revealing VERY VIVID in the number 12 used in the "Titl-ing" of THE TREE OF LIFE, having TWELEVE FRUITS THAT BEAR "WITHIN/OF - THEIR/IT'S SEASON", with "LEAVES FOR THE HEALING OF THE NATIONS", this much very explanatory concerning 1Timothy Chapter 4, WITH VITAL UNDERSTANDING of Our Earth-Wide Spirit & Truth about such matters.
For The Fruit of the earth concerning plants, we can see why we are given "EVERY HERB BEARING SEED & EVERY TREE BEARING FRUIT" as food in genesis, initialy before man & woman we're taught how to make fire & process the killing of living things, BOTH FOR FOOD AS WELL AS TO CLOTHE THEMSELVES & SUCH KIND OF MANUFACT NATURE OF "CONSUMPTION" IN ALL THANKSGIVING TO/OF/WITH/IN OUR HEAVENLY FATHERS HOLY SPIRIT ESPECIALY INDWELLING OF KINGDOM OUTWORKED.
From what we know as knowledge, we have such 4 kinds of "plant life" (*1-moss->2-Grass->3-Bush/Vines->4-Trees*), AND FURTHER-MORE concerning LIVING-THINGS, we know the waters above and below we're "the first in recorded sequence" to be TEEMING WITH LIVING THINGS after the earth Was Made Manifest from the Waters gathered below called oceans/seas, THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE EARTH ITSELF ALSO THEN, given to fruit "of it's kind" with cattle, creeping things and the like amongst the 3-"i-Fowl of the air, ii-living things of the sea/oceans, iii-"beasts" of the earth", AMONGST THESE THRER CATEGORIES OF **LIIVNG-THINGS** IN PARTICULAR, having significant OVERLAPS, **firstly** to HAVE "ON THE SAME PLANE" this fourth "category" of VEGITATION (*moss>grass>bushes>tree's*), then SECCONDLY AS IF TO "DIFFERNECIATE" from the "LIVING-THINGS" category with the 3 (*1-birds, 2-fish, 3-land based*), HAVING SUCH SIGNIFICANT OVERLAPS OF THE "TEEMING", e.g. Cat Fish that are water based creatures or those waterd below THAT OFTEN ARE FOUND BURROWING THROUGH MUD & BETWEEN WATER TABLES AND TO THE VERY SURFACE OF THE GROUND, in the same way that ducks and such kind of considered BIRDS being Land Based have such living in water, also to note "Hippopotamus" and "Crocodile" or other "snake-like" animals EVEN "EARTH-WORMS", this all making sense of why given that the tree of life has **12 Fruits**, and such "LEAVES" to be understood mhch more in word and meaning than only green leaves from tree's or vegitation alone, (***WISDOM FROM ABOVE IN/WITH UNDERSTANDING OF GOD'S GIVEN KNOWLEDGE***).
The Ut-most of Understanding being in The Knowledge of Good, why given the refference to the Post & Song about The Tree Of Knolwedge, IT BEING GOOD TO GIVE & MAINTAIN LIFE AMONGST & BETWEEN PEOPLE (*Man/men & Woman/women*) MADE IN GOD'S IMAGE & GIVEN DOMINION OVER ALL *THINGS*, it being evil to harm or kill amongst people, IT BEING GOOD TO KILL ANIMALS AND EAT/consume/use them WITH ALL CONTEXT OF DISCIPLINE & THANKSGIVING CONCERNING PURPOSEFUL & REASONABLE OUTWORKING, e.g. "picking up a smooth pebble to 'skip across a lake's water' ", which is un-like "picking up any kind of stone 'to throw at any brother or sister' for any reason", THE FIRST EXAMPLE BEING GOOD, AND THE 2ND BEING EVIL OF REASON & PURPOSE <*to stone a person*>, with all entire consideration of all aspects such as "consent", necesity, mutual will & want, (*----thinking of spirit & truth reality of e.g. the blessing of having the ability with " 'paintb-all' technology"*[:NONE OF WHICH ARE 2 WORD DESCRIPTION(s) OR ANSWERS:]----*).
< --- writting to be continued --- >
by TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - (K.S.D.M.)