
Showing posts from March, 2025

Eatery and Cookery Pt.3 (-Partakers Pt.3.0.1 Compialtion-) - Part Lyrics Breakdown

In Other 'Pan-African' News" : "bhysiology with the "Tenderudza'd 'b'(-P-)" Drives Communities Bashful - "Physiological Co-ed Convent Murders" & "You cannot Harm to Heal"

"Some People 'Throw Themselves Out With The Bath-Water' " & do the same to others 'so to Speak' : Re -> "Throwing the baby out with the bath-water"

"What hapepned to 'Static-Electricity'?" - Things to note about the earthwide physical environment and man-kind's ongoing with the fruit(s) of the earth

(W.I.P.-work in progress)"A Historical 'note-worthy' landmark" of any saying/having been said : that "kings do not need to learn music" and some of the Historicaly Biblicaly correlating matters across the Subject

A "SNITCH"(-'Tatle-Tale'-) is a bearer of False Witness