(W.I.P.-work in progress)"A Historical 'note-worthy' landmark" of any saying/having been said : that "kings do not need to learn music" and some of the Historicaly Biblicaly correlating matters across the Subject
If you noticed yet, Kingston Chronicles and Samuel are in direct 1 and 2 sequence of accordance on top of one another of layers of 1's and 2's, (-1 Samuel,1Kings,1Chronichles-) & (-2Samuel,2Kings,2Chronichles-), making that much "evidential 'some-what-ness' " to the matter of "CHILD KINGS(-kingships-)" which are rife through the 2nd Books of Kings and Chronichles with each's significance amongst the general age grouping of under teen and ten years old choice person's and to the recordings of the specific happenings and ongoings which should have and serve the purpose of wisdom for generations to come through Christ being Crucified and Resurected with us to date of 2025 years through any 12 to 15 thousand years of Old Testament Refferencial time frame of ages before the subjecting known "Julian Calendar".
The reason that I bring up this part in the first paragraph of writting all of this, is because of the nature of earth-wide spirit and truth ongoing for at least one to two centuries of measure(s), then to note the actuality of the kinds of presumptuous thinkings amongst man-kind that are of the same exact nature that have existed in so many places that actualy accomodate the ongoing of individual and collective people's lives amongst earth-wide spirit and truth community, that their importance cannot be overlooked for any reason of ongoing and maintained outcome(s) alike and amongst.
For the seemingly humourous point of wording concerning "Kings and Learning Music", it being a very well known historical landmark of information that has come to public surface over the millenial turns last 500 years (5 centuries) compared to it's abuse, missuseful existence and negligated philosophy based on systematic "control-ism" approach towards matters of any whom try to control rulers and authoritative figures, resultant in the as .mentioned kind of wordings being "knowledge of musc turning Kings into jesters" and such folly-some un-witting-ly backwards thinking that would suppose to attempt any kind(s) of enforcing(s) and having such pursuits of any such manner(s).
The few occasions that would be brought to light in informational and historical recording would be to the likes of the age old story about "The Emperors new clothes", which has actual accounts to it's nature of story, and be more along the likes of times where music and any such kind of instrumentation we're used as instrumental intimidation and excites of much in refference to the one whom blew the horn after every debauchery he was involved in while David's last recorded public wording to his son was in the concerning of the kind of lineage in doctrine which when you look at 1 Kings into 2 Kings sequence and specific stretching out of information, that Jesus during the times much later afterwards of ahab and jezabel with Elijah and Elisha, just before stemming into Hezekiah and the entire of Chromicles similarly meeting a "David and the Threshing Floor" end all in Spirit and Truth by the Hands of Cyrus and an attempted re-orbital-iteration of all the same events of making anything except man-kind himself the Heavenly Father's tabernacle besides any special place of physical specific than any other, what "the Kingdom 'within' and 'at hand' " actualy mean and consist of even the waters above(-breathable-) and the waters below (-Liquid-)[:-from where the earth was formed etc.-:], being "***THE HEAVEN(s)***", and this making "FAITH-SENSE" of life and overall consisting of physicaly manifest from spiritual reality.
Where the times mentioned that had certain Person's of leadership completely or very/extremely partialy-void to any knowledge-ability of the and some basic areas of every day life e.g. music and such so-called "Entertainment" usualy subjugation into understanding by the word "Edu-Tainment" but still without the Spirit and Truth reality that Doctrine and Teaching are of and have Spiritual Roots before and beyond just being " 'write-off after write-off' creativity" in any description of nature when considering the output and contextual context of the human being and person made in Our Heavenly Father God's Image aquiringly have inherent as parts of all of our being(s) wether male or female regardless.
Anyone could imagine a very poorly descriptive version of story where someone of the above described nature is void of understanding an examplary basic of even present day and time's forsakes in the deliberation or discernment of MEANING when vocalized BY SOUND which entails loudness and "tone", and then EXACT AND IMMEDIATE MESSAGE/MEANING/INDERSTANDING OF THE WORDS COMMUNICATED, where the usual basic example "does justice" by contrast between the words "I hate you" being politely and courteous whispered, and the words "I Love you and want you to live forever" being shouted and/or screamed at the loudest volume of anyone's voice, the meanings between the two and the actual outcome being an example of someone to think of certain notes and melodies or rhythms being only and entirely significant and directive of war or threats without thanksgiving to God in Christ Jesus as "Ephesians5:18-*20*" speaks of even how to be filled with the spirit, also speaking of where the actual excess is in NOT GIVING THANKS TO GOD FOR **ALL THINGS**(-which can be "rythms, tones, melodies, sound-alikes" and the like-) THAT OUR HEAVENLY FATHER HAS GIVEN TO BE RECEIVED WITH THANKSGIVING ESPECIALY* FOR ALL WHOM KNOW THE TRUTH (-1Timothy4)-[:***Mathew15/Colossians2/Ephesians5:18-*20*/1Corinthians8-11(***11:30***)/Philipians3:2-3/Revelation2-3***:].
(T.B.C.-to be continued)
- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM