In Other 'Pan-African' News" : "bhysiology with the "Tenderudza'd 'b'(-P-)" Drives Communities Bashful - "Physiological Co-ed Convent Murders" & "You cannot Harm to Heal"

In Other 'Pan-African' News" : "bhysiology with the "Tenderudza'd 'b'(-P-)" Drives Communities Bashful - "Physiological Co-ed Convent Murders" &  "You cannot Harm to Heal"

- It should be obvious for anyone that no one can heal to harm without worsening and outrightly doing the opposite anyway, where so called "modern-science" claims away from any accountability to the severe actual "murderous-ness" of the basic hypothermia needle called the "syringe" that is presented as though a fancy straw and high-tech method of eating/drinking anything under the premise/claims of "medicating" (***----note : those whom administer such Eatery/drinkery are not doing so under license of self practice on themselves for proof of it's working or validation, and there is already druggery of question as anyone moves towards considering self-medication/self-stabbing with example to heroin and morphine abuses which UNLIKE ALL OTHER CLAIMED DRUGGERY OF EATING AND DRINKING INVOLVE "***STABBING ONE-SELF WITH A FANCY NEEDLE-STRAW***" CLAIMING TO EAT/DRINK ANYTHING, the rest just methods of inhalation and literal every day drinkery or Eatery from cup with mouth etc----***)

- If you did not know as much about your society earthwide in Spirit and Truth wether local or other-wise, you may have been wondering why so many of your peers have been rushing to the windows of "trying to make a fast buck" which those whom see life's endeavors as if the only reason anyone learns anything to get a certificate or degree is the leasy or most amount of money that the degree and kinds of job positions can make from having the certificate have run to called "PHYSIOLOGY", which IN YOUR OWN RIGHT TO BASIC KNOWLEDGE AND THE ACTUAL HISTORY OF THE EARTH-WIDE COMMUNITY FOR THE PAST 50, 100 TO 500 YEARS, tells the tales of Central and Offset Europe's World War One and it's brief post era with World War Two's ACTUAL CAUSES OF THE WARS ON THE MANY FUNDAMENTAL LEVELS OF REASONING(s) AT THE TIME called "Phsycology" being a spin of an competing with the same obsolete phased out "Phsyciatry", having the Order being (1)Phsyciatry, (2)Phsycology, and now (3)Physiology TRYING THE SAME SORTS OF ATTEMPTS TO BRING BACK THE PHASE AND PHENOMENON OF ACTUAL CAUSINGS OF CONFUSION THAN ANY ORDER IT CLAIMS TO OFFFER. Physiology, is basicaly the THEORETICAL INTANGIBLE ATTEMPTING TO BRIDGE THE GAP BETWEEN PHYSICS AND BIOLOGY VIA CHEMICHAL AND CHEMISTRY REASONING (-which was phsyciatry's beginings and it's deadly food, flavour, smell, texture, you name it etc. politics scandals-). It tries to claim people as any par-subordinate "being"(-rather to use the word "existence" for it's belittling context-) compared to animals, plants soils and things made from, all the while having these as the foundational objects of "Biology", where man-kind is supposed to be in, of have and recognize their-/our-selves as more than all of the below mentioned items in existence that ARENT MADE IN GOD'S IMAGE, yes, this basicaly meaning that Biology for living things even IS NOT THE SAME AS BIOLOGY FOR MEN AND WOMEN MADE IN GOD'S IMAGE based on just because there are also **SOME**(-in all reality not all-) male and female animals.

- The part of this writting's title "Physiological Convent Murders", like it or not, IS NOT AN EXAGERATION BUT EXACTION OF SOME PARTS OF REALITY THAT SO MANY PEOPLE CHOSE TO IGNORE (-e.g. the suicide hotline corruption of calls that are answered in order to murder those calling, some occultic corruptions of societies that most kinds of people would rather not speak of but happen-), is an actual problem of occurence at the hands of watered down education and very and extremely un biblical orients of facilitation having all kinds of demonic structure that consider absolutely nothing Spiritual about Reality amongst people even to differenciate them from animals and objects or things, that has so many male and female Adventistly seeking learned experience becoming subject to the likes of hypothermia needle dorm-room Murders, that for any strange reason could begin as the stupidity to so calledly or supposedly "play any game" of "tag" (-'stab you're it'-), at the hands of what appeared to be a light commentary and passive joke about doing such a think at any such kind of dorm room with the mentioned criteria of students, and any grudge like or ulterior motivation towards activity and worse maliciousness brought forth by such reasoning, WITH SIMPLE BASIS AND FOUNDATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY LAID ON SUOSING BELIEF THAT ANYONE CAN HARM TO HEAL(-stab to heal-), hopefuly this portion of writting not apearing as though a horror script pitch, BUT TO CONSIDER THE ACTUAL REALITY OF THESE THINGS ACTUALY HAPPENING MUCH MORE THAN MANY WOULD CARE TO THINK.

- To close the assumption of "Harmful-Healing" 's gaping hole of any attempted reasoning, it is obvious that even having to use the words "fancy straw" to describe the method of injection and use of a syringe, already has anyone whom knows what a straw is and the oposite direction of usage being any placement in category of "feeding/eating", to make enough obliterating obvious sense as to how insulting and actualy harmful to anyone's REASONABLE-CONSCIENCE of all Reality it is to even call such any kind of "modern-science", already having the same school of thought badger and attack the use of alcohol with any harmful claims, YET IN THE PROCESS OF THIS "FANCY STRAW" USAGE, THERE IS A RECOMMENDED WIPING OF THE "STRAW-MADE-MOUTH" WITH ALCOHOL TO CLOSE IT IN HEALING EVEN THOUGH ASSUMING AND PROPOSING THAT IT IS PAINLESS AND HARM-LESS.

- The other prong of societal imbalance that sticks out worse than a sore thumb, are things such as the so called "African Tradition Revolution", where some-thought-to-be elements we're raised as if any parts of human or man-kind(s) tradition(s) that caused horrendous waves of false patriotism and allegiance to harlotry and much more fatal progressions of time and age, for instance, IT BEING IMPOSIBLE FOR ANY MAN OR FEMALE PERSON TO NOT KNOW THAT THEY ARE A SINGLE MALE OR FEMALE PERSON WITH HOW MANY OF THE SAME MEMBERS OF BODY PART FOR THE SPECIFIC INTERACTION OF ONENESS OF FLESH AND BEING SUCH AS THE BIBLE AND OUR HEAVENLY FATHER HOLDS WHAT IS TERMINOLOGICALY KNOWN AMONGST MAN-KIND AS "MARRIAGE"(-Oneness of Flesh/Being-), more so to the obvious basic elements of reality where time cannot exist without eternity for it to pass and be measured in, something that is not applied even to the basic expectancy or any fullness of understanding life itself amongst and for man-kind made in God's image through Christ. MULTIPLE-HUSBANDRY/-WIFERY gains the cost of displacing the male or female person's imagination with actualy vain and jezabel/balak-balaam/nicoliatan imagination and expectation of any part of earthwide spirit and truth experience, THERE BEING ONLY MALE OR FEMALE PERSONS AMONGS ALL MADE IN OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S IMAGE JUST LIKE THE ANGELS WHOM ARE FELLOW BRETHREN ALL EACH OF THEIR ONENESS' OF ETERNAL BEING.


- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM