25/01/25 - "More-Than-A-Secret" "Recap Write-out" : #MoreThanASecret
TeQ NiQ-(K.S.D.M.)
More Than Just A Secret
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From The : #Partakers3 - Partakers Pt.3.0.1. (-" 'P-Re' Compilation"-)
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25/01/25 - "More-Than-A-Secret" "Recap Write-out" :
It is "more than just a secret", that the mutual commitment and eternaly Liber-al confines of oneness of Flesh and Being (Genesis1:25-27) made in God's Eternal Image as the Angel's are also made of all Man and Woman having their Pre-Destined-ly Honoured Union amongst All others being Sisters and Brothers each with each's Own Mutualy Eternal Oneness of Being in Spirit and Truth, IS SOMETHING THAT IS BETWEEN ONLY THE(A) SINGULAR MAN AND SINGULAR WOMAN OF ENTIRELY PRIVATE VALIDITAION OR MUTUALY FAITHFUL REASONING AS-PER GOD'S HONOURING OF THE MARRIAGE BED(-Heart's Sanctity and Sacredness-), the greatest "two that agree" amongst man kind and for any or all reason of Oneness of Flesh/Being are the Man and Woman of any such Union and NOBODY ELSE EXCEPT GOD HIMSELF BEING THE "BINDER"/ONE WHOM HAS THEM PUT TOGETHER AS ONE BEING, henceforth that "NO MAN (-3rd party besides the man and woman of oneness of flesh/bring-) SHOULD SEAPRATE", never by force, assumption or any kind of manipulative anything to even think themselves "testing or checking for anything" by means of purposely encount-ing and communi-fying anything to do concerning oneness of flesh and being from themselves, or adressing "as if 'presuming without mutuality' from the other person's anything concerning doing(s) or saying(s).
The communication and actual reciprocation in all outworkings of Eternal Oneness of Flesh/Being are exceedingly sacred by and with Our Heavenly Father in Christ Jesus to the utmost points of the Heart's Perfrction of Liberty despite any and all other persons of opinion or any "deemable 'regulate' ", the obvious point and case being the only position of Celebrating and bring Happy that Our Sister(s) and Brother(s) are indeed of themsleves and each other in Having of Oneness of Flesh/Being.
Song of Solomon is an exactly descriptive example that Oneness of Flesh and Being are of no validation by any such standard(s) or consent of anyone else besides the two being Man and Woman of answer, also to note they themselves and their mutuality beyond accountability for such kinds of people whom find themselves enemized vessels against anyone else's oneness of flesh and Being to do any such kind of adversity towards it, as brothers and sisters in Spirit and Truth of Christ Jesus, having only that ability to ongoingly "take as is" in the same manner of "Praying Without Cessing" which teaches us that we are and we're praying before we ever thought so, given the Lord's Prayer as Peter asked Jesus Himself to "Teach Them How to Pray", recieving the glorious and Eternaly Righteous words of "The Lord's Prayer" which covers all and any aspects of life both Spiritualy as well as Physicaly for all Provisions, forgiveness and will to do only Good amongst and with others, deliverance from temptations of all kinds and to not be led into or by any evil(-at the door of every temptation is the very means of exist and non-participation of any and every single one-), also to note ACKNOWLEDGING OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S HAVING GIVEN OF ***HIS KINGDOM*** WHICH IS STILL HIS EVEN IN THE GIVING AND ENTIRE ETERNAL CONSISTING OF, TO ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT GOD HIMSELF IN, THROUGH, AND BY CHRIST IS MAN-KIND's GLORY, AND HAVE OUR CREATED-IN-HIS-IMAGE-REMEMBRANCE OF HIS WILL BEING DONE AND BEING ENTIRELY AS WELL AS MORE THAN OIR OWN WILL WHICH IS IN HIS WILL ALL THE TIME VIA HIS SELFSAME INDWELLING HOLY SPIRIT OF LIFE ETERNAL.
**** All of this is along the same lines as "Humweni"(#Humweni) from #ManzwiZivoOfficial the Shona Album Sequel to #ShokoMoyoChena on the #RevelationMusicZim Blog that also has the #Partakers3 Compilation and much more with "inter-'blog-activity/-ability' ".
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- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM