The "Revelation 'of Being' " : and "the 'Perfection Of Liberty' "

The "Revelation 'of Being' " : and "the 'Perfection Of Liberty' " : -

The Perfect Liberty in Christ Jesus, Righteousness incarnate, is the utmost revealing of anyone's true being eternal unto even of Angel's.

The Perfect Liberty of partaking in Life and the fruits of existence in the 3 areas thay they are on earth as it is in Heaven, (1)-***THINGS***-Waters Above/Below(-Breathable/Liquid-), Soils, Plants(-ALL Vegitation-), Animals(-Living *Things*-), (2)-***PEOPLE***: Man & Woman : (*men & women*) - Eternal Oneness of Flesh/Being Amongst all Others being Brothers and sisters made in Our Heavenly Father's(-God's-) Image knowing all Are Eternaly God's Children In and Through Christ (3)-***STEWARDSHIP*** : Freely Giving and Freely Receiving : "not 'tying giving to receiving and receiving to giving' as the Babylonian envoy of enforced poverty creation and imposing false imaginations of selves to people's conscience(s) - if you cannot "love" something, "can you 'like it' ", and obviously because unable to "like it", can anyone "tolerate it", OR say 'it is anything' "?" Supposed to be the answer to any REVELATION 17-18 questions about "**UNRIGHTEOUS-MAMMON**".

If you have anyone at Perfect Liberty, their true nature un-subdued and subject to lack and poverty maintainance is/will-be revealed in the fullness that life is amongst people of all kinds and the Spirit and Truth of all Reality, especily for the sakes of Man-Kind being the highest created being on the plane of fleshly/physical existence, with all resonse towards the Manifest of Heaven on Earth, the Kingdom of God being within, and such "Heavens" as the "Firmament" whom/Which Constructively and Conductively Seaparates the Waters Above(-Breathable-) from the Waters Below(-Liquid-), for any example being very obvious of "Firmamentation's Constructivitiy, IN THE SAME WAY OF MAN WHOM HAS OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S KINGDOM WITHIN AND SUCH STEWARDSHIP OF SELF AMONGST OTHERS BOTH SISTERS AND BROTHERS ALL OF THE ONENESS OF BEING OF OTHERS BESIDES ONESELF'S OWN ETERNALY AND MUTUALY COMMITED ONENESS OF FLESH AND BEING OF A SINGUALR MAN AND WOMAN WHOMEVER OF EACH WITH OTHER, the Perfection of Liberty, even there/here, shows much obvious restraint of self-control, the utmost of outwprkings Fruitfulness and venture with and beyond opiton(s), the validity of commitments exhortation and expedient strengthening with confirmation and affirmations ongoing with and without question in answer of the retardation of "doubtful 'anything-else-ness' " than the faithfulness and fidelity of Our Heavenly Father's Honouring of The Marriage Bed of both the Hearth/Soul in Spirit-And-Truth's definate outworking of all else without fail, it is obvious that all works of darkness cannot be hid from the Perfection of Liberty, in example of those who steal claiming to be of hunger, despite the kinds to do so only in order to deplete the havings of someone's and their ongoing Stewardship as if it being a target to attack by sabotage, when the wisdom of God tells of all people and Stewardship of anyone's abounding abundance before at all times for any reason being of their lack or little havings, even that being honored by God but with careful dispose of regret towards the abundant focus and responsibility of knowing what one has for others, and being of the utmost considerability of what anyone else has for them, to note also of this being significant towards mutual growth as earth-wide community of individuals built into and upon multitudes of multiples of brothers and sisters in Chrsit of Spirit and Truth despite the disregard of any's enemization towards by from(s), to make instant and steadfast the obvious necessity of the mentioned self control by willful orient of true religion's absolute, that no one steals when having for any hunger of desperation or any kind of "emegrgence", within and even that report of evil and kind of doing, that such is "suicidal 'tresspass rite-ritual abuse' by "mutilative-inflictu-our earning" of other by self target.

The perfection of liberty will always show if a person wants to do good from the innwardmost unto the outworking, the self control of themselves becoming more sufficiently as it is for them, and also to note the benefits of learnings growth by choice and refining of faithful outcome and conduct-ivity, with all restraint from evil of any kind both Spiritualy as well as physicaly despite even the babylonian harlot city's principle(s) of tying giving to receiving and receiving to giving thay causes much more than lack of the fruition of the earth's substance and what is both fully and increasingly available of stewarding life's Fruitfulness for all people whom are also exponentialy on the increase compared to the unrighteousness of mammon's false witness and inability to be loved, liked, or considered anything else except poverty creation/debt maintainance/responsibility of lacking multitude(s) by any and all singulat having(s).

As written in the Book Of Revelation, those who take captive are taken captive, those who kill by the sword are killed by the sword"... meaning.... "WE whom set free are free, we whom give life have and are given life, indeed".



- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa ' KSDM