THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "SEXY" (-Any Refference to Eternal Oneness Of Flesh/Being and the "Relevance Of The Word-) : The world's Man-Made idea, wording, supposition of teaching and doctrine "objective" called "Sexy" & What it Really Means
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "SEXY" (-Any Refference to Eternal Oneness Of Flesh/Being and the "Relevance Of The Word-)
The world's Man-Made idea, wording, supposition of teaching and doctrine "objective" called "Sexy" & What it Really Means
The word "Sexy" is obviously derived from the word "sex" which in the initial most basic meaning and use is in refference to either male or female identity, e.g. filling a form of one's information if they are male and female would have the "gender" alternative of "criteria title" being "sex" and the options to inform of "male or female".The issue already obvious in the word "sex", is becoming of the note in the word "gender" which is also and already in and of the same "general identity refference", the only differentiation of usage with the word "sex" after "gender identiy" being "the DEESCRIPTION" of activity which now refferences itself of Oneness-Of-Flesh-and-Being inter-activity between a man and woman, no longer in "identity of person" refference, but in the specific "act-of-inter-sexuality's-becoming-of-one-flesh-and-being" and identifying or refferencing it.
Because of this seccond layer of use with the word "sex" having to do with the act of "becoming-and-sanctified/sacred-confines-of-kind-of-activity" that is for no one else except any and every singular man and woman whom are of Oneness-Of-Flesh-and-Being, the usage of the "phrase with word 'sexy' ", e.g. "that's.....", "it is so.....", "you are.....", already depletingly crosses the boundary of contextual-sanctified-meaningfulness concerning the actual description it identifies in word usage and phrasing such as "he is......", "she is.....", "it was so ...... when they", "when it (abc-xyz) it is so.....", "that makes me feel....." (any-things without refference of the-and-actual other-person-of-oneness-of-flesh-and-being of any person saying this) [:-*e.g. "when there are clouds in the sky I feel so .... ." (where any actual sense is completely lost of all contrast and context), and such other phrasing or wordings [*actualy vulgarities*] like "today I had a ..... lunch", "the whole entire concert from start to finish was very .....", "it took so long for us to set up camp in the wilderness and we found the process....." [**these and all only being more examples of any sensibility completely lost in the usage and understanding of the world IN THE KINDS OF WAYS THAT THE WORLD'S MAN-MADE-TEACHING/DOCTRINE DISPLAYS, APPROPRIATES AND DICTATES OF ANY PRESUMPTUOS-DECENCY**].
The interesting thing at this point of observation, is realizing that because the word "sexy" is in refference of oneness of flesh and being, the "-y" at the end of it's spelling imply-ing the likes of something 'flake like apearance and texture' and being declared "crusty" in the same manner of describing any 'outer-layer-likeness' as "crust-ish", the more significant part of "sexy" 's refference to Oneness of Flesh and being much more suited as "Onesié"(pronounced "wanzié" : "1-zié"), this ACTUALY REVEALING MUCH MORE TO THE "NAKED-HEART"[:like 'naked-eyes' (*we can determine how eyes can be naked or clothed later*):] ABOUT THE IMPROPER USES THAT THE WORLD'S MAN MADE TEACHING AND DOCTRINE DISPLAY AS IF NORMAL OR APPROPRIATE.
The only stepping stone for correcting anyone's overlooking of these in-appropriacies being in the asking " 'sexy' to-for-with-from who?", and this answering enough questions to thoroughly expose the inappropriacy of anything in refference outside the confines and sanctification of oneness of flesh and being, e.g. if "it was .... to be in town" around people the day before, that means the people and being in town we're/and-or-are the 'object of sex' in the actual meaning of the sentiment, leaving the description of a car, house, someone's clothing, items and idea's in the same refferencial meaning if they are consciencialy refferenced as 'being sexy', even such adverse and otherwise than good things in refference leading to immediate realization that death is no such thing of description, neither are any happenings go anyone such as being violently/harmfuly/mortaly harmed, lied to, decieved or stolen from.
The saddest part of this "sex-iness" issue, is anyone doing anything for any reason other than it's description and meaningfulness as well as Objective resultant within the doings outworking, usualy only chosing to do anything inclusive of basic labour and life's ongoing only if it is or seems "sexy", BASICALY WITH DOCTRINAL AND TRACHING FOUNDATIONAL DESCRIPTION, ALSO ACCOMPANIED BY UNDERSTANDING IT'S ONLY HAVING TO DO WITH *** SURFACE-/FACE-VALUE *** APPEARANCE OF NATURE, e.g. Jesus Christ's example of "CLEANING A CUP'S OUTSIDE" which makes for an actual cups usage being that to drink from IT'S INSIDE, for people in refference making the more relevant matters of the heart and self-same-indwelling THE MOST IMPORTANT EVERYTHING of anyone in concern, as we can see that man made doctrine has it's argument(s) that imply the false nature of such "claimed-as-if-in-scripture" wordings like "cleanliness is next to godliness" [**WHICH DOES NOT EXIST WHATSOEVER ESPECIALY FOR THE REASON IT IS USED WHEN SAID**], often contiualy and progressively pressurized by debatablitiy that "IF THE INSIDE OF THE CUP IS CLEAN THEN THE CUP WILL CLEAN IT'S OUTSIDE", usualy of those who want to make as if believavle that JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE IS SAVED IN CHRIST AND WHEN THEIR INSIDE IS CLEANSED, THAT THEY WILL FIND ONLY AND SPECIFICALY THAT VERY OUTSIDE APEARANCE AS SOMETHING TO CLEAN AND MAKE AS IF THE SAME NATURE AS THE WORLD's MAN MADE STANDARDS when speaking of someone's clothes and apparel, wether there is dust or anything on their garments and skin, under their fingernails or how their hair appears, the smell of their breath, and to note things such as "HOW MUCH MONEY THEY HAVE OR ARE SAID TO HAVE 'REVOLVING AROUND THEM' ", likewise even the kinds of food and drink choices they have amongst all things that God has made that are good amongst [**Waters above(breahable) and below(liquid), Soils, Plants**], and such kinds of animals ALL TO THEIR OWN INDIVIDUAL LIBER-AL/-TED PERFECTION.
For anyone's bias and misunderstanding, wether preferable or out of "majority/mass conform-ity", IF IN ANY IDEA OF A PERSON(man or woman)'S APPEARANCE OR QUESTIONABILITY OF BASIC "BEAUTY" AND RELEVANCE TO "NATURE OF EYE's-SET-ON" before consideration of their Heart's Outworking, this only being about what is usualy known as "GOOD LOOK(s)", TO REMIND THAT EVERYONE MADE IN GOD'S IMAGE IS INDEED OF HIS BEAUTY/HANDSOME-NESS OF THEIR "BEING-MADE-IN-HIS-IMAGE", then onwards and to the more importantly made relevant ESPECIALY BY THIS THAT JESUS SPOKE OF CONCERNING "THE INSIDE OF THE CUP" IN COMPARISON TO WASHING THE OUTSIDE ONLY, what makes anyone's "ONGOING-BEING-OF-EXIST-ING/-ANCE" the actual value of "Light" or otherwise "darkness", "good" or otherwise "evil".
Truthfuly THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "SEXY", otherwise always in refferencial wanting towards ANYTHINGVAND EVERYTHING ELSE BESIDES ETERNAL ONENESS OF FLESH AND BEING BETWEEN A SINGLE MAN AND WOMAN, such being in complete confines and reserve for their activity, mindfulness, and such description ABSOLUTELY HAVING NOTHING TO DO WITH LUSTFULNESS, there only being the everlastingly ongoing and peaceful tranquility of their commitment and faithfulness WHO'S FRUITFULNESS EXCEEDS FAR MORE THAN ANY TEMPORAL LUSTFUL DISCONTENTMENT that so many are decieved into thinking is any kind of affection or relativity with passionate expression or actuality AS BEING.
- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM